What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic applies scientific fact to stimulating your body's own self-healing resources. When the nervous system is impaired through illness, injury or stress it can cause tissues and organs throughout the body to function poorly. Chiropractic is the DRUG FREE approach to restoring good health and eliminating pain by removing these nervous system interferences. Through chiropractic care, millions have found their optimal health and activity level!
What do Chiropractors address?
Chiropractors are specialists of the spine and nervous system. There are many symptoms that cause people to seek our care, such as SCIATICA, HEADACHES, BACK PAIN, SHOULDER and HIP PAIN but many issues are unseen and unnoticed like DIGESTIVE ISSUES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, INFERTILITY, all taking place within our bodies, causing long term damage. When chiropractors evaluate a patient, they identify the cause of the pain that brought them in, as well as the overall function of all body systems (respiratory, circulatory, neurological, ....). As specific areas of the spine are adjusted, normal function of the entire body can be restored by removing nerve interference, and allowing the brain and body to communicate. If you are experiencing symptoms, you already have a problem.. but Dr. Christman can help, and make your life better!
Why Chiropractic?
Injury, stress, or chronic pain most often are the reasons people seek chiropractic care. Because chiropractic addresses the underlying CAUSE of these problems in addition to relieving symptoms, your body's natural healing processes work for you. With a program of regular spinal maintenance, many patients recover a degree of health and vigor GREATER than they enjoyed before their problem occurred.
Why do babies and children need chiropractors?
Even natural birthing methods can stress a still-developing spine. The resulting irritation to the nervous system can be the cause of many health complaints. Colic, unexplained crying, poor appetite, breathing problems, asthma, allergies, hyperactivity, bed wetting, ear infections, poor sleep habits, constipation, and many other issues can be traced to nervous system dysfunction caused by a malfunctioning spine. Dr. Christman's care has been extremely helpful for many newborns and children, restoring the health, activity, and happiness to little ones, including his own!